Breaking Barriers with Lilias M. Edwards

"My name is Lilias M. Edwards and I am breaking barriers by becoming 1of 2 Administrative Assistants accepted to the SOLAR program between Stony Brook University and Samaritan Daytop Village for students pursuing an MSW degree. Pursuing this degree will provide me the essential tools to empower myself and others on how to effect changes for those communities without a voice and/or representation. My ultimate goal as an MSW graduate is to develop policies that would benefit the Spanish speaking communities beginning with NYC. In addition, begin advocating and implementing educational and employment opportunities for adults with learning disabilities. I am a single mother of two who put my education on hold to raise my children. As a native Afro-Latina I hold both these issues to heart, as my mother suffered discrimination due to her non-English speaking status and my son who is diagnosed with Autism-Asperger’s Syndrome has limited resources available to him due to his disability."

~Lilias M. Edwards, MSW student and scholarship recipient through the Social Work Opportunities for Leadership in Addiction and Recovery (SOLAR) Program