Below you will find downloadable forms that may be required while you are a student at SSW. If you have general questions, please contact the School's Office of Student Services at 631-444-3170. For academic advisement, contact our Lead Academic Advisor, or call 631-444-3166.
Important Resources for all SBU students
Writing Resource for all SSW students:
American Psychological Association (APA) Style provides a foundation for effective scholarly communication because it helps writers present their ideas in a clear, concise, and inclusive manner. Learn more by clicking this link:
- If you would like to request a waiver of a required course, please complete the Petition for Waiver form.
- In order to request a change of your faculty advisor, please complete the Change of Advisor Request form.
For BSW students:
- BSW Advisement Worksheet for those graduating in 2024 and after
- BSW Class of 2023 Advisement Worksheet
- If you would like to apply for an Independent Study, please carefully follow the instructions in the program handbook and complete the BSW Independent Study Proposal Cover Sheet.
- If you would like to request transfer credits towards your BSW degree, please read the Pre-approval for Transfer Credits and complete the Petition for Transfer Credits form.
For MSW Students:
- MSW Part-Time Program Academic Planning Worksheet
- MSW Part-Time Program Academic Planning Worksheet for students entering Fall 2024 & after
- MSW Advanced-Standing Academic Planning Worksheet
- MSW Full-Time Program Academic Planning Worksheet
- If you would like to request transfer credits toward your MSW degree, please complete the Petition for Transfer Credits form.
- If you would like to apply for an Independent Study, please carefully follow the instructions in the program handbook and complete the Independent Study Proposal Cover Sheet.
For PhD students:
- PhD Program Handbook for students who entered in 2012. Students who entered in other years, please speak with your Advisor - Thesis and Dissertation Forms
- Thesis and Dissertation Guidelines
For all Students and Faculty:
- SSW COMPLEMENTARY POLICY FOR P211: Responsible Conduct of Research and Scholarship (RCRS) Training (Instructions for accessing the CITI online training)
- SSW Complementary Policy for P211: Responsible Conduct of Research and Scholarship (RCRS) Training
Navigating SOLARSOLAR is Stony Brook University's primary administrative system used by students to register for classes, print schedules, view and pay bills, view transcripts, update personal information, report student employment hours, and more.You will need to check your SOLAR account regularly to review messages, "Holds" and "To Do List" items that you need to complete.
Campus Emergency Management Alerts
Sign up for SBU Alerts
Commuter Students & Off Campus LivingThe Office of Commuter Student Services and Off-Campus Living is committed to offering support, programming, resources and outreach targeted towards students who do not reside on-campus.
Student Accessibility Support Center
The Student Accessibility Support Center is the designated support service center to help enable students with disabilities to develop their academic potential, by making their academic experience accessible. In addition to arranging accommodations, a major part of the mission of SASC is to encourage students with disabilities to achieve a high level of autonomy at Stony Brook and far beyond.
On-Campus Housing:
Visit Campus Residences to learn more about campus housing options.
VeteransIf you are a Veteran, visit Veterans Affairs for benefits, resources and information.