Michelle S. Ballan, Ph.D., MSW

Michelle S. Ballan, Ph.D., MSW

Professor & Associate Dean for Research, School of Social Welfare; Professor, Family, Population and Preventive Medicine; Faculty Affiliate, Institute for Advanced Computational Science Program; Center and Program Director, Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and related Disabilities (LEND), Stony Brook University; and Research Director, Early Childhood Clinic, Stony Brook Medicine

Email: Michelle.Ballan@stonybrook.edu




Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin 
M.S.W., Rutgers University 
B.A., Rutgers University 

Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Intimate Partner Violence, Medical Education, Bioethics, Reproductive Justice, Sexuality and Clinical Practice 

Ballan, M., & Grosser, S. (2024). Effective interventions for students with autism spectrum disorder.  In C. Franklin, M.B. Harris & P. Allen-Meares (Eds.), School services sourcebook  (3rd ed., 262-273.). Oxford University Press.

Ellison, B. & Ballan, M. (2023). Not my ventilator: How conceptual frameworks of disability and the absence of the disabled voice have shaped healthcare policies in the Covid-19 pandemic and beyond. Global Social Policy, 23(1), 171-175.

Ballan, M., Freyer, M., & Romanelli, M. (2022). Supporting the housing needs of domestic violence shelter residents: Considerations for survivors with and without disabilities. Housing Policy Debate, 1-18.

Ballan, M., Freyer, M., & Romanelli, M. (2022). Occupational functioning among intimate partner survivors with disabilities; A retrospective analysis. Occupational Therapy in Health Care, 36(4), 368-390.

Ballan, M., Freyer, M., & Romanelli, M. (2022). Intimate partner violence, disability, and pain: A retrospective study. Journal of Family Violence, 37(8), 1367-1378.

Ballan, M., & Freyer, M. (2021). Qualitative clinical assessment methods. In C. Jordan & C. Franklin (Eds.), Clinical assessment methods for social workers: Quantitative and qualitative methods (5th ed., pp. 139-176). Lyceum.

 Ballan, M.S., & Freyer, M. (2020). Occupational deprivation among female survivors of intimate partner violence with physical disabilities. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 74(4), 7404345010.

Ballan, M., & Freyer, M. (2019). Intimate partner violence and women with disabilities: The role of speech-language pathologists. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 28(4), 1692-1697. 

Ballan, M., & Freyer, M. (2019). Addressing intimate partner violence with female patients with chronic physical disabilities: The role of physical therapists. Disability and Rehabilitation, DOI: 10.1080/09638288.2019.1664648

Ballan, M.S., & Hyk, J. (2019). Autism spectrum disorder. In J. Raines (Ed.), Evidence based practice in school mental health: Addressing DSM 5 disorders in schools (2nd ed., 91-130). Oxford University Press. 

Ballan, M., & Freyer, M. B. (2018). Self-protection for women with disabilities experiencing intimate partner violence. Family & Intimate Partner Violence Quarterly, 11(2), 51-60.

Ballan, M. (2017). Intimate partner violence and women with disabilities: The public health crisis. Family & Intimate Partner Violence Quarterly, 10(2), 65-69.

Ballan, M., & Freyer, M. (2017). The sexuality of young women with intellectual and developmental disabilities: A neglected focus in the American foster care system. Disability and Health Journal, 10(3), 371-375.

Ballan, M.S., & Freyer, M.B. (2017). Supporting female survivors of intimate partner violence with disabilities: Recommendations for social workers in the emergency department. Social Work in Health Care, 56(10), 950-963.

Ballan, M., & Freyer, M. (2017). Trauma-informed social work practice with women with disabilities: Working with survivors of intimate partner violence. Advances in Social Work, 18(1), 131-144.

Ballan, M., & Freyer, M. (2017). Autism spectrum disorders, adolescence, and sexuality education: Suggested interventions for mental health professionals. Sexuality and Disability, 35, 261-273.

Ballan, M., Powledge, L., & Freyer, M. (2017). Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Assessment and intervention.  In Encyclopedia of Social Work Online. Oxford University Press.

Ballan, M. (2017). Special issue on domestic violence and disability. Domestic Violence Report, 22(3), 33-52. 

Ballan, M., & Freyer, M. (2017). Developing a profile of survivors of intimate partner violence with disabilities: An exercise in clinical data mining. SAGE Research Methods Cases. 

Ballan, M., Freyer, M., Powledge, L., & Marti, N. (2016). Intimate partner violence among help-seeking Deaf women: An empirical study. Violence Against Women. doi:10.1177/1077801216664428

Kinnear, S., Link, B.L., Ballan, M.S., & Fischbach, R. (2016). Understanding the experience of stigma for parents of children with autism spectrum disorders and the role stigma plays in families' lives. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 46(3), 942-953. 

Fischbach, R., Harris, M., Ballan, M., Fischbach, G., & Link, B. (2016). Is there concordance in attitudes and beliefs between parents and scientists about autism spectrum disorder? Autism: International Journal of Research and Practice, 20(3), 353-363. 

Ballan, M., & Freyer, M. (2016). Qualitative assessment methods. In C. Jordan & C. Franklin (Eds.), Clinical assessment methods for social workers: Quantitative and qualitative methods (4th ed., pp. 121-153). Lyceum. 


2024 National Crime Victims’ Service Award Building Knowledge Through Research Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime

2024 Loreen Arbus Champion for Disability Award, 21 Leaders for the 21st Century, Women’s eNews

2022 Distinguished Scholar and Fellow, National Academies of Practice

2020 Wiki Disability Scholar, WITH Foundation

2020 Switzer Distinguished Level Research Fellowship, National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research 

2020 Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching, State University of New York  

2019 Researcher-Practitioner Fellowship, Center for Victim Research

2015 Mid-Career Exemplary Social Work Leader Award, National Association of Social Workers, New York City Chapter

2012 Best Article Award, Violence Against Women

2011 Early Career Award, American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

2010 Presidential Teaching Award, Columbia University

2010 Award, Association on Higher Education and Disability

WalletHub, October 2020  
U.S. News and World Report, June 2020
Monitor on Psychology, February 2017