Joel Blau, D.S.W. |
EDUCATION D.S.W., Columbia University (Social Welfare Policy, Planning and Administration) AREAS OF INTEREST History of social welfare, poverty, homelessness, the political economy of social welfare, and comparative social welfare, as well as the major U.S. social programs for food, income supports, health care, housing, and employment policy
Books Joel Blau, with Mimi Abramovitz, The Dynamics of Social Welfare Policy, 4th Edition (Oxford University Press, 2014) Joel Blau, Illusions of Prosperity: America's Working Families in an Age of Economic Insecurity (Oxford University Press, 1999) Joel Blau, The Visible Poor: Homelessness in the United States (Oxford University Press, 1992) Christopher Dykema, Forty Years in Social Work: Reflections on Practice and Theory, Edited, with an Introduction and Afterword by Joel Blau ( NASW Press, 2013) Selected Articles "The Political Economy of U.S. Social Policy," in Michael Reisch, editor, Social Policy, Social Justice (Sage Publications, 2014), pp.101-123 Essay Review: The New Deal: A Modern History, by Michael Hiltzik, in Reviews in American History 41 (1): 129-133 "From the Great Society to the Retreat of the Welfare State," in Kristine Nelson and Alice Lieberman, editors Women and Children First: The Contributions of the Children's Bureau to Social Work Education (Council of Social Work Education, 2013), pp.57-70 "Social Policy: Public Welfare," Oxford Encyclopedia of American Political and Legal History, Volume 2, Donald Critchlow and Phil Vandermeer, editors (Oxford university Press, 2012), pp.256-260 "Go Out and Find a Job: Public Perceptions of Homeless Men," in Homelessness in America, Robert Hartman McNamara, editor (Praeger Perspectives, 2008) Volume I, pp.15-28 "Income Distribution," in Encyclopedia of Social Work, 20th Edition, Terry Mizrahi and Larry Davis, editors (Oxford University Press, 2008), Volume 2, 455-459 "Welfare Reform in Historical Perspective," in The Promise of Welfare Reform: Rhetoric or Reality, Keith Kilty and Elizabeth Segal, editors (The Haworth Press, 2006), pp.49-56 "Theories of the Welfare State," Social Service Review (63) 1:26-39 SELECTED PRESENTATIONS "The New Homeless and the Old," The People of Color Conference, Phoenix, Arizona "Social Welfare and Social Planning," Seminar for University at Delft, Holland Graduate Architecture Students "The Lens of Social Change," The Blau/Abramovitz Policy Model, Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, "The Economic Dimension of Social Justice: Models and Measures," Eighth Congress of the U.S. Basic Income Grant Network, "The Shredded Safety Net: What Policies Next," Columbia University School of Social Work Centennial Conference National Public Radio, "Fresh Air" Interview with Terry Gross about The Visible Poor U.S. Conference of Mayors, National Assembly on Homelessness, Invited Academic "Street Talk," Fox Channel 5 News, Debate with Edward Koch about vouchers for panhandling American Historical Association Conference, "Perceptions of Homelessness: Class Attitudes and Social Welfare Responses," AWARDS AND HONORS The Choice Magazine Award for The Visible Poor as one of the outstanding academic books of 1992
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