Gowns for Grads

Gowns for Grads

Graduation is one of the most exciting and important moments of your academic achievements and a time to celebrate your amazing accomplishment, not a time to feel burdened by the additional cost of renting graduation regalia.

SSW has begun a lending initiative to make regalia available for our students who are unable to purchase regalia on their own.  The supply is very limited. If you are considering not coming to graduation because of  the cost of the regalia due to financial constraints, please fill out the following link by April 8th


Please note that a request does not guarantee regalia will be provided. We hope in future years to expand this initiative to accommodate a larger number of graduates. At this time the inventory of lending gowns is very limited, and for that reason, we will allocate regalia to those who would not be able to attend the ceremony.


We need your assistance! If you know of an alumni with a cap and gown to donate, please have them contact us. With your assistance, we can ensure that all students fully experience the special graduation day they have worked so hard to earn.

The day of graduation, we will be asking for donations of gowns from graduating students so that we can expand the number of people we assist.


The Student Services and Graduation Committee