Fellow Advocates and Passionate Social Change Agents:
You don't want to miss this - you are invited to an exhilarating opportunity to apply the micro, mezzo and macro skills that you have acquired thus far.
As you have learned in the School of Social Welfare, policy and advocacy is an integral part of our profession, “Personal is Political” and our code of ethics includes addressing social justice for oppressed populations. March 5, 2019 is the NASW-NYS Legislative Education Advocacy Day that will take place in Albany. The two priorities this year are 1) Social Work Investment Initiative and 2) NYS Dream Act.
This opportunity allows you to put your knowledge into action on personal and professional issues. The Dean has graciously approved free round trip transportation for 53 students from Stony Brook to Albany. We expect many of the social work schools in New York to attend; including Adelphi, Columbia, Fordham, Hunter, NYU, Touro, and Yeshiva to name a few. Will you represent Stony Brook University’s School of Social Welfare?
Below is the link for the announcement from the NASW regarding the event. Please register for the event by Friday, February 22, 2019, then e-mail Professor Rabeno at Stephen.Rabeno@stonybrook.edu in order to reserve a seat on the bus. Seats will be provided on a first come first serve basis, so please register ASAP. Keep in mind that we plan on leaving on Wednesday March 5, 2019 at 5:15am from the South P Lot of Stony Brook University and will leave Albany approximately 3:30pm. Depending on interest from the Manhattan students, we will stop at the Manhattan site. When e-mailing Professor Rabeno, please identify if you are requesting transportation from Stony Brook or Manhattan.
You can help advance these critically important initiatives by participating in the NASW-NYS Legislative Education Advocacy Day on Tuesday March 5, 2019.
As an added incentive, any master’s level student who is presently taking a policy class will be able to use this activity as Hybrid Hours. Any undergraduate student will be able to obtain extra credit for attending this event. A meeting to discuss further details will be held a few weeks prior to the event.
The following is the link for the official NASW Announcement and to Register: