Alumni Spotlight: Victoria Edwards, MSW '20

Alumni Spotlight: Victoria Edwards, MSW '2020

Victoria is running for the Nassau Division seat for the NASW-NYS Committee on Nominations and Leadership! 

Bio: "I am a NYS Senate Fellow currently working as a secondary clerk for the Social Services Committee. Prior to this position, I was a case manager and youth advisor at FCALI, for Parents and Children Together (PACT) and Youth Advisory Council (YAC), respectively. I graduated with my MSW from The School of Social Welfare, Stony Brook University in May 2020 and I have been a member of the NASW since 2018. I have experience in case management, policy research, and community advocacy." 

Platform Statement: As a CNLI Representative for NASW-NYS, I will commit my time to empowering and impacting social workers across NYS. Often, social workers are viewed in a lens where case management and burnout are our anchors in the field. By ensuring the recruitment of candidates for future leadership potentials, it invites social workers to build on their advocacy networks. Empowering social workers is influential to the field, by adding new joys to advocacy.