IMPORTANT: Community Learning Day 597B Spring Registration
October 29, 2021
Dear 2nd Year Manhattan Students,
We hope that you found Community Learning Day (CLD) inspiring. The issue of Environmental Justice and Climate Change is of fundamental concern to all of us, and we are looking forward to having you share many creative advocacy ideas with your colleagues at our Spring 2022 CLD.
As noted when you entered the program, Stony Brook Manhattan is registered as an extension center with the New York State Education Department (NYSED). Under NYSED guidelines and regulations, extension center students are required to minimally take one course at their main campus in order to fulfill the residency requirement.
Pre-COVID, CLD was held in person and Manhattan students were permitted to meet this requirement through their attendance at Community Learning Day. By being physically present on the main campus one day each semester during the two years of the program, Manhattan students simultaneously received course credit and met this obligation.
In 2020 when the pandemic shut down public institutions and extending into the fall 2021 semester, NYSED temporarily suspended and modified the regulations pertaining to various residency requirements. However, NYSED is no longer granting this waiver. The residency requirement is in effect and needed for graduation. It is VITAL that you attend or you will not be able to graduate!! This is a NYSED requirement for students who are graduating this year.
How does this impact you? We are creating a special section of CLD for 2nd Year Manhattan MSW students on the main campus during the spring semester in order to be in compliance with this regulation. This means that you will be required to attend CLD in-person this spring. Please make sure to register for the in-person section of the CLD course: HWC 597B- 02 (56318).
Plan to be on site from 10:00 am to 3:15 pm on Tuesday, March 29, 2022. More information will be forthcoming, please mark your calendars. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns, and we’ll look forward to the opportunity to see you in person on the main campus.
Thank you,
Deans Morgan and Horwitz