Did You Know? Licensed Social Workers in NYS May be Eligible for Loan Forgiveness
The NYS Licensed Social Worker Loan Forgiveness (LSWLF) Program is offered to increase the number of licensed social workers working in critical human service areas, including but not limited to the following fields: home care, health, mental health, substance abuse, aging, HIV/AIDS and child welfare or communities with multilingual needs. If you are a social worker professionally licensed to practice in NYS, employed full time for a minimum of one year, a legal resident of NYS working in high needs area, you may be eligible for up to $26,000. For more information visit: https://www.hesc.ny.gov/repay-your-loans/repayment-options-assistance/loan-forgiveness-cancellation-and-discharge/nys-licensed-social-worker-loan-forgiveness-program.html or call 1-888-697-4372.