Faculty Publications 2018 - Present
Michelle Ballan:
Ballan, M., & Freyer, M. (2019). Intimate partner violence and women with disabilities: The role of speech-language pathologists. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 28(4), 1692-1697.
Ballan, M., & Freyer, M. (2019). Addressing intimate partner violence with female patients with chronic physical disabilities: The role of physical therapists. Disability and Rehabilitation, DOI: 10.1080/09638288.2019.1664648
Ballan, M.S., & Hyk, J. (2019). Autism spectrum disorder. In J. Raines (Ed.), Evidence based practice in school mental health: Addressing DSM 5 disorders in schools (2nd ed., 91-130). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Ballan, M., & Freyer, M. B. (2018). Self-protection for women with disabilities experiencing intimate partner violence. Family & Intimate Partner Violence Quarterly, 11(2), 51-60.
Melissa Bessaha:
Bessaha, M.L., Cornelius, L., & Unick, G.J. (2019). Barriers to behavioral health service utilization among first-generation immigrant emerging adults. Social Work in Mental Health.
Bessaha, M.L., Sabbath, E.L., Morris, Z., Malik, S., Scheinfeld, L., & Saragossi, J. (2019). A systematic review of loneliness interventions among non-elderly adults. Clinical Social Work Journal- special issue on social isolation. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10615-019-00724-0
Thompson, T., Rodebaugh, T.L., Bessaha, M.L., & Sabbath, E. (2019). The association between social isolation and health: An analysis of parent-adolescent dyads from the Family Life, Activity, Sun, Health, and Eating Study. Clinical Social Work Journal- special issue on social isolation.
Dixon, Z., Bessaha, M.L., & Post, M. (2018). Beyond the ballot: Immigrant integration through civic engagement and advocacy. Race and Social Problems, Special Issue on Immigration. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12552-018-9237-1
Anna Hayward:
Hayward, R.A., Honegger, L. (2018). Perceived barriers to mental health treatment among men enrolled in a responsible fatherhood program. Social Work in Mental Health. https://doi.org/10.1080/15332985.2018.1483464
Hayward, R.A., Glazebrook, A., Honegger, L., Rabeno, S., Yim, K. (2018). Predictors of Father Involvement in Low-income Men Enrolled in a Responsible Fatherhood Program. Social Work Research. https://doi.org/10.1093/swr/svy004
Hayward, R.A., Honegger, L., Hammock, A. (2018). Risk and Protective Factors for Family Violence in a Sample of Low-Income Fathers. Social Work, (63)1. https://doi.org/10.1093/sw/swx053
Kathleen Monahan:
Monahan, K. (2018). Intimate Partner Violence, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Social Work: Moving Forward. Social Work,1-3.
Morris, Z. and Zaidi, A. (2020). “Estimating the extra costs of disability in European countries: Implications for poverty measurement and disability-related decommodification.” Journal of European Social Policy. 30(3) 339–354
Zachary A. Morris:
Bessaha, M., Sabbath, E., Morris, Z., Malik, S., Scheinfeld, L., Saragossi.,J (2019). “A systematic review of loneliness interventions among non-elderly adults.” Clinical Social Work Journal. 48(1), 110-125.
Morris, Z. (2019). “Loneliness as a predictor of work disability onset among nondisabled, working older adults in 14 countries.” Journal of Aging and Health. Advanced online publication.
Morris, Z. (2019). “Examining the relevance of employment integration policies on disability benefit receipt: A multilevel analysis of older working age adults in 16 countries.” Disability and Rehabilitation. Advanced online publication.
Morris, Z. and Rennane, S. (2019). “Functional limitations and employment among disability benefit recipients with musculoskeletal conditions: A mediation analysis.” Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 50(1):49-59
Morris, Z., Hayward, A, Otero, Y. (2018). “The political determinants of disaster risk: Assessing the unfolding aftermath of Hurricane Maria on people with disabilities in Puerto Rico.” Environmental Justice, 11(2): 89-94.
Ijeoma Opara:
Opara, I. & Santos, N. (2019). A conceptual exploration of social media’s role on mental health, body image, and eating disorders in Latina adolescents. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences. doi:10.1177/0739986319860844
Lardier Jr., D.T., Opara, I., Herrera, A., Garcia-Reid, P., & Reid, R.J. (2019). Perceptions of control and risky behavior on sexual partnerships, HIV knowledge, and risk perception among urban youth of color: A latent class analysis. Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services. doi: 10.1080/15381501.2019.1632237
Opara, I., Rivera Rodas, E.I., Lardier, Jr. D.T., Garcia-Reid, P., & Reid, R.J. (2019). Validation of the abbreviated Socio-Political Control Scale for Youth among Girls of Color. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007s10560019006249
Opara, I., Lardier, Jr. D.T., Reid, R.J., & Garcia-Reid, P. (2019). “It all starts with the parents”: A qualitative study on the protective factors for drug use prevention among Black and Hispanic girls. Affilia: Journal of Women & Social Work. Advance online publication: doi:10.1177/0886109918822543
Faculty Presentations
Bessaha, M.L., Mushonga, D., & Fedina, L. (2019, October). College student perceptions of institutional responses to sexual assault reporting and general help-seeking intentions. Paper presentation at the Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood 9th Conference, Toronto, ON.
Bessaha, M.L. Reed, R., Donlon, A., Matthews, W., Bell, A., & Merolla, D. (2019, October). Voices heard: College students with disabilities use participatory action research to enact campus-wide change. Symposium at the Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood, 9th Conference, Toronto, ON.
Bessaha, M.L. (2018, July). Barriers to mental health service utilization among emerging adult immigrants in the United States. Paper presentation at the Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development (SWSD), Dublin, Ireland.
Conference Papers
Zachary A. Morris
Morris, Z., McGarity, S., & Zaidi, A. (November 2020). “The Extra Costs of Disability in the United States.” Social Policy and Disability Symposium. Fordham University. New York, NY.
Morris, Z., Savin, K., Wise, M., & Marinoff, R. (November 2020). “ “It is Not a Luxury, it is a Need”: The Extra Costs of Living with a Visual Impairment.” American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Morris, Z., Malik, S. Cadet, T. Grudzien, A. Burke, S. (January 2020). “Loss of control, religious attendance, and loneliness among 4-year cancer survivors.” Society for Social Work Research. Washington, DC.
Bessaha, M., Sabbath, E., Morris, Z., Malik, S., Scheinfeld, L., Saragossi., (January 2020). “A systematic review of loneliness interventions among non-elderly adults.” Society for Social Work Research. Washington, DC.
Morris, Z. & Zaidi, A. (November, 2019). The impact of dementia on household standard of living: Estimates from 15 OECD countries. Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management. Denver, Colorado.
Morris, Z., Malik, S. Cadet, T. Grudzien, A. Burke, S. (November 2019). Loss of control, religious attendance, and loneliness among 4-year cancer survivors. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Morris, Z. & Malik, S. (March, 2019). Loneliness as a predictor of depression in three Eastern European Countries. National Institute of Mental Health. Bethesda, Maryland.
Morris, Z. (February, 2019). Loneliness as a predictor of work-disability: A 6 longitudinal analysis of working-age adults in 14 countries. Society for Social Work Research. San Francisco, California.
Morris, Z. (October, 2018). The political determinants of disaster risk for people with disabilities. Council for Social Work Education. Orlando, Florida.
Morris, Z. (July, 2018). Loneliness as a predictor of work-disability: A longitudinal analysis of working-age adults in 14 countries. British Gerontological Society. Manchester, UK.
Morris, Z. & Hayward, A. (June, 2018). Climate risk for people with disabilities in the Caribbean, Caribbean Studies Association, Havana, Cuba.