Supportive Care Management Services
The Sayville Project’s Supportive Care Management Program is a New York State Office of Mental Health funded program intended to provide Non-Medicaid Care Management and Care Coordination services to adults with diagnosed with serious mental illnesses (SMI).
Supportive Care Management supports individuals who are NOT receiving Medicaid, have been diagnosed with a serious mental illness (SMI) and have risk factors that impacts their ability to live successfully in the community without supports. The primary goal of these services is to help individuals maintain community tenure while improving the overall quality of their recipients’ lives. Care Management helps members maintain optimal medical and mental health while reducing the number of hospitalizations or use of emergency services.
Services include:
· Referral and linkage to medical and mental health services and providers to obtain optimal health and wellness
· Linkage to housing and other social services
· Obtaining entitlement benefits and application for Medicaid
· On-going assessment and the development of client specific care plan
· Monitoring established goals
· Case specific advocacy
· Liaison to the Suffolk County SPOA Unit
The Suffolk County Division of Community Mental Hygiene oversees this program and paper applications must be submitted to their Adult Single Point of Access Unit (SPOA) to be approved for eligibility.
For more information or refer an individual for services contact:
Alison Auer, LMSW
Care Management Supervisor
Phone: (631) 563-2290 ext. 246